Welcome to Natural Health and Wellbeing
Energise your life and revitalise health and career.
Enhance your home and business and remove negative energies, including Geopathic Stress and Technopathic Stress.
Many of the services that we offer can also make be accomplished remotely, which is particularly important in this time of restricted freedom.
Feng Shui can also be regarded as the healing or cleansing your home or business to maximise the positive energy flows and remove negative ones. Fengshui consultations include dowsing to identifying the removal of geopathic stress.
We also offer a wide range of valuable natural health treatments including Reiki, Reflexology, Emotional Freedom Technique (Tapping), Natural Energy & Spiritual Healing and Champissage ( Indian Head, Shouders & Face Massage ).
Our health treatments aim to improve your health and help you to achieve benefits for both the body, mind and spirit.
It is important to reduce all stagnant and unhelpful energies and generally help maximise your positive energies.
Our practitioners have over twenty five years of experience and are qualified professionally for therapies and consultations.
We have a practice based in Beckenham, Bromley and we can also provide Feng Shui and Dowsing In London, Kent
and all other parts of the U.K., as well as Internationally for your home and business.
Our treatments Include:-
- Dowsing
We offer dowsing for health, dowsing for earth energies as well as dowsing for Geopathic Stress.
Feng Shui consultations
We offer consultations for your home or brusiness anywhere in the UK.
Martin is an accredited member of the Feng Shui Society
Reflexology massages the feet and hands to apply pressure to specific points to stimulate energy pathways in the body. Both foot reflexology and hand reflexology are offered. Martin is a fully trained Reflexologist.
Geopathic Stress
Geopathic stress can affect you and those around you. It drains energy, saps your strength and affects your mood and wellbeing. We can visit your home or buisiness to identify the geopathic stress points and remove them.
Sacred Space and space clearing
When we visit your property we can perform Space Clearing to remove negative energies, enhancing the positive elements in the property. This can be linked to the removal of Geopathic stress.
Reiki Healing
Reiki is a healing technique based on the principle that the therapist channels energy to the patient to activate our natural healing processes so as to restore physical and emotional well being. Martin is a qualified Reiki Master and also gives reiki tuning and couses up to Reiki Master level.
Natural Spiritual Healing
Spiritual healing is a completely natural process using a flow of beneficial energy between the healer and recipient that is intended to work on both physical and mental health issues at a deep level. Martin qualified with the National Federation of Spiritual Healers
Indian Head and shoulder Massage
Champissage is a form of Indian Head massage which includes massage of the shoulders, upper arms, neck, scalp, face, ears and energy balancing to relieve shoulder, neck and upper body pain and stiffness, improve flexibility and counter stiffness in the upper body.
Both Martin and Katherine are fully trained in champisage.
EFT - Emotional Freedom Technique - Tapping
Tapping can help to relieve stress and remove obsesional thoughts leading to peace of mind and more resiliance to the stesses of everyday life.
EMFS - Electromagnetic Frequencies
Martin will measure the EMFS in your property, allowing you to address any issues found.
Where are we?
We have a practice in West Wickham, between Bromley and Croydon.
We also attend consultations throughout the UK and abroad.
We offer reiki, reflexology and other therapies from our practice in West Wickham, Bromley
Dowsing for geopathic stress, space clearance and Feng Shui consultations are given at your home or business, in Croydon, Bromley or wherever you are based.
Courses are mainly given at our West Wickham practice, but we can also arrange to give a course where you live or work.